But, zombies are a big thing in our culture right now. Millions of you watch shows like The Walking Dead on AMC. I'm sure many of you reading this are convinced of an impending zombie apocalypse and are storing rations.
Here's the thing. We've been fighting a zombie apocalypse for years. They have been attacking organizations like fraternities and sororities, and in most cases they are winning.
To read the rest of this essay, as well as many others, order your copy of Forever Fraternity: Essays to Challenge, Celebrate and Advance the College Fraternity
My name is Jack, and I am with the University of Louisiana at Lafayette Greek System. This article in particular spoke to me because my chapter recently dealt with having to get rid of the "zombies" in our chapter, because there was so much dead weight it was hindering our ability to conduct business, have socials, and meet certain standards that our university expects from us. We were able to cut the dead weight through the use of Jboards and a wave of suspensions that cut our chapter size by 1/3, but made us a much more cohesive, productive group whose bonds are stronger for it. Our newly elected council has set the precedent that we are taking a no nonsense approach to members that do nothing but pay dues and do not contribute. We have utilized rewards and incentives programs to motivate the entire chapter to do good work, not just the elected council, and we have also set heavy fines for not doing what is expected of you, both of which have successfully motivated 85% of our chapter to positively contribute, and help us accomplish more in one semester than we have in several. It took getting rid of the zombies that were holding us back to do so.