"You can't stop people from thinking - but you can start them." (Frank Dusch)

How do we help our members truly see and accept the power of the fraternity experience? I believe there are five power paradigms – or frameworks – that we need to inspire our members to accept.
Power Paradigm #1: Fraternities and sororities are a movement to promote ideals and provide values.
In response to: Fraternities and sororities are just campus clubs like any other.
Years ago, I heard someone refer to Greek life as the “fraternity movement.” It’s a pretty common phrase now. And – it’s a very powerful perspective. Movements are big things that create transformational change. That’s a far cry from being just a bunch of clubs with meetings and parties. If Greek life is a movement, to what end? Movements have to try and do something. In my opinion, ours is a movement intent on promoting lofty ideals in order to raise their importance in society. We proudly promote ideals like leadership, service, kindness, intellectual curiosity and excellence in order to build up their relevance. However, promoting ideals is not enough. We are also a movement that provides values to a world that hungers for them. As members, we are called to live by high standards and exceptional values. If each of us does that, then we become the literal embodiment of these values and simply our presence in the world makes it better. The more of us there are (the greater our movement spreads) the more we crowd out negative forces like corruption, unethical behavior, and selfishness. Soon, if we do it correctly, our world is driven by the very values we have taken oaths to uphold. That’s a movement!
Power Paradigm #2: The Ritual is a call to action and a way of life.
In response to: The Ritual is just a ceremony we do once or twice a year.

Power Paradigm #3: Brotherhood/Sisterhood is a relationship built on commitments to shared values.
In response to: Brotherhood/Sisterhood is just a tighter form of friendship.
As I blogged about a couple of months ago, I believe that brotherhood can be defined as the bonding of men of various backgrounds, beliefs, places, and eras around a singular set of life-directing commitments. Brotherhood or sisterhood cannot exist if the commitments aren’t there first. What makes me a brother with someone – in the fraternity sense – is whether or not I have committed to the same oaths and obligations as him and stay committed to those oaths throughout my life. Because of this, having the strongest brotherhood or sisterhood on campus is only true if your organization lives up to its oaths and obligations more than anyone else.
There is a connection to recruitment here as well. The values-based recruitment movement could be a power paradigm all its own. If brotherhood/sisterhood is defined by values, then our efforts to bring new potential brothers and sisters into the fold should also be defined by values. I should judge a recruit by how much he/she has the capacity to commit to the oaths and obligations that define our brotherhood/sisterhood.
Power Paradigm #4: A social organization is one that prepares someone for society.
In response to: Parties, drinking, having fun, etc. should be what we are about, because we are social organizations.
I can’t remember who told me this when I was an undergraduate, but it has stayed with me all throughout my years as a fraternity man. Social is a derivative of the word society, and thus, social organizations are ones that benefit and prepare someone for society. Too many use the social label as a license to be defined by parties, alcohol, and drugs. There is nothing wrong with a fraternity having parties, or of-age members drinking, but when the organization’s purpose and defining essence becomes these things – then it’s a problem. A big problem. Let’s redefine social to mean what it’s supposed to mean and take pride in the fact that we are one of the few organizations that can carry this moniker, because we are so embedded in the greater society. I’d recommend a review of Phired Up Productions book We Dare You for a greater distillation of term “social.”
Power Paradigm #5: Fraternity should live beyond the undergraduate years.
In response to: A fraternity/sorority is just a way to enjoy my college years.
A few years ago, I wrote that I personally refuse to go “alumni status,” which is the common
thing right, then the undergraduate years become just a small pre-cursor – a launching pad – for the acceptance and implementation of fraternal values for the rest of our lives. Lessons from fraternity can define our roles as partners, fathers, and mothers. It can influence how we experience and excel in our chosen careers. A fraternity’s values can lead us towards greater civic engagement (e.g., join Kiwanis!), and to simply be better neighbors. Being alumni members doesn’t mean gathering once a year for drinks after work – it means using the organization’s values to experience better lives.
Taken individually, each of these paradigms are powerful and deserve greater discussion. Collectively, could these be the big five? The paradigms that once united, become the direction for our future?
I love the idea of trading in the magnifying glass that looks only at our limitations, in favor of the prism through which we see our possibilities, potential, and power. Through our conversations with undergraduates, alumni, and each other, let's shift the paradigm. Let's forever change fraternity for the better.
So you're saying we have to be more intentional. I say that begins with campuses and headquarters ending the acceptance of low standards and congruence.
ReplyDeleteGreat article.. #5 is something ALL undergraduates should read! Thanks for sharing! I hope this article becomes a "movement".
ReplyDeleteThis article is 100% dead on! Greek life is a relished & rich life long experience, blossoming even larger throughout time. After being out of college for almost 40 years, I often hear statements during social conversations like...I "used" to be a Greek when I was in college. What frat did you used to belong to? Well, my reply when I hear something like that is...I'm "still" an ATO.
ReplyDeleteNo. It does not start with the campus and headquarters, it starts with the active chapter(s) themselves. Remember, the undergraduate chapter is managed and operated by the undergrads. The undergrads need to more responsible and accountable for their actions, good and bad and stop blaming everyone else for their mistakes. And as for as standards, chapters need to be more selective in the membership recruitment and stop the so called "LINE THEM UP AND SIGN THEM UP" Recruitment. That is a 7'0s, 80's & 90's method of recruitment that does NOT work anymore. But there are several fraternities that still do this and they are the ones that giving the Greek Community a bad reputation. Someday they will grow a brain and realize that they need to eliminate bad elements from their chapters.
ReplyDeleteI agree 100% with this article. As the only Fraternity member in my family, I have constantly heard how society views the Greek system. From the beginning, I never wanted to be just another "frat guy." I feel that if a Fraternity is going to make a change then it has to start with the individual. As it is in Power #1, all it takes is a spark to ignite a fire. We, as alumni, have to promote and encourage that change. Instead of getting defensive when someone questions your involvement in Greek Life, explain to them what Fraternity/Sorority life has done for you.
ReplyDeleteI'm a Sig from the 70's. Got 20 years on you. I've not seen such a good and through explanation in 20+ years. I would never have been able to articulate what you wrote so well. Thank you. In Hoc. Chris Kidwell, Delta Theta.
ReplyDeleteGreat article and dead on. Even though almost 30 years have passed since college graduation I am still involved through our local alumni chapter. This involvement brings us into contact with the three undergraduate chapters in our area. There are many ways greeks can remain active in the fraternal experience throughout their lives. The biggest step is the first one. The need is great and having any positive influence on a young persons life is a true reward.
ReplyDeleteMichael G. Magri
Delta Chi